Dr. of Rockology Home Page

This site is currently (and will continue to be) under construction.

My ultimate goal is to entertain and inform the weary Internet travel who has happened upon this site. You will find links to several other pages that will contain links to sites that are devoted to various inspirations and personal beliefs. Many of these inspirations have come to be a part of
my everyday life.

This, that I now call my "everyday life," began in Los Angeles (on the border of China Town) in 1953 — which is, coincidentally, the last year that Ford made their famous Flathead V8 (more on this later). Soon my family drifted form the city of L.A. itself to a young, almost (but, not quite) rural, suburb known as West Covina. This is where I spent most of my childhood and my entire adolescence. As you can imagine (or may even remember), the 60's in Southern California was a great playground to be in during adolescence. How much fun could a teenager have? Well, at least I survived the period and can remember most of the crazy shit that I did. In spite of what Paul Kantner said — I was "really" there.

Then, at the ripe young age of 25, I pulled my deeply grown Southern Californian roots from that rich San Gabriel Valley soil that had cuddled them for so long. After having never traveled east of the majestic Rocky Mountains, my roots were, rather abruptly, replanted in the state of Maine.

What was originally going to be a two year adventure became a 15 year trial of survival. Soon after arriving in Maine, I began my career as a radio Disk Jockey. After hanging out at several Rock and Roll radio stations in L.A. I knew long before that I wanted to be a DJ. Maine was the perfect place for me to fine tune my radio personality that eventually became Monty Wolf. As I became better at the craft and began to do more "in-person" remote broadcasts and shows I decided it was time to go "On The Road" as Wolf Trax Rockin' Oldies Show. However, by 1992, I had had enough of radio, sock-hops and Maine. Before the first two weeks of 1993 had elapsed — at the not so ripe age of 39 — I was on my way to my current residence in Northern Nevada.

During those 39 and the following years I have done some incredible things. Many of these things sound unbelievable to some of those who have listened to me tell my tales of the past, as I know it. However, these tales — no matter how tall some of them sound are all true. Well, at least most of them are based on true experiences that have been only slightly embellished for entertainment value.

This sight has been engineered into several pages: "MUSIC", "RACING", "THE SPOKEN WORD", "POLITICS" and "OUTDOOR ADVENTURES." Each of these pages will have an introduction and links to other sites that I find inspiring, interesting, vital and sometimes just fun.

And that is what this site is mostly about: FUN!

So, enjoy your trip and remember:


The Doctor's Operating Links

The Dr. of Rockology's Music Page

The Dr. of Rockology's Racing Page

The Dr. of Rockology's Spoken Word Page

The Dr. of Rockology's Political Page

The Dr. of Rockology's Outdoor Adventure Page